

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Production Steps

Step 1: Get Supplies (please view the post concerning the `Bill of Materials`).

Step 2: Create frame. (format: length x width x thickness)

This is a side view of what your  frame (chassis)
should look like so far.

  • Cut 37cm x 4cm x 0.5cm of chloroplast with scissors. Just enough space to support the mousetrap.  
  • Cut 2 pieces of 45cm x 1cm x 1cm jinx wood with the scroll saw. 
  • Make holes along it`s side with drill press (for the axles). 
  • Glue it using a hot glue gun onto the top of your chloroplast frame. 

Step 3: Create a transmission.

Side view of a finished transmission.
  • Using the metal lathe, make a transmission (6cm x 4.7cm x 4.7 with 4 levels. 

Step 4: Create the rear-end of the mouse trap car.

Bird`s eye view of the third
 production step.
 Be careful with the hot glue gun!
  • Using the scroll saw, cut 2 13cm x 1cm x 1cm pieces of jinx wood to make the frame big enough for the transmission.
  • Create holes along the sides for the axles.
  • Glue one of the pieces of jinx wood to one side.
  • Slide in the stick (23cm x 0.5cm x 0.5cm) for the axle with the transmission attached to it.
  • Glue the other piece of jinx wood to the       other side, trapping the transmission in              place.                                 

Step 5: Attach the back wheels.

  • Grab the 2 vinyl records (30cm x 30cm x 0.2cm) and slide them halfway onto each side of the axle, leaving room on both sides to add support with triangulation. 
  • Add triangulation (cut 90 degree, right angle triangles and glue one side to axle and other to the disk.
  • Add 4 on each side to get maximum strength 

Step 6: Attach the front wheels.
  • Slide in the front axle stick (23cm x 0.5cm x 0.5cm) into the holes on the side of the jinx wood.
  • Since the CD holes are really big, we created a piece of wood to slide onto each end of the front axle and hold to CD`s in place.

*Blue things are blue beads.
  • Grab the 2 CD`s and slide them halfway onto each side after putting on a blue bead (to stop friction between the two) on each side of the front axle, leaving room on both sides to add support with triangulation. 
  • Add triangulation (cut 90 degree, right angle triangles and glue one side to axle and other to the disk.
  • Add 4 on each side to get maximum strength .
  • Glue a blue bead on each end to ensure the CD`s do not fall out.

Step 7: Attach the mousetrap, lever arm and string.

*Red rectangular thing is the mousetrap.
* White lines represent string and tape. 
  • Tie, then wrap the string counter-clockwise around the transmission.
  • Glue the mouse trap onto the frame, but as far away from the transmission as you can (more room for the string to unravel). 
  • Tip: Your lever arm should be longer than the frame of your mousetrap car.
  • Create a hole at the top of your lever arm (to tie the string to). 
  • Tape and tie (with pipe cleaners) the lever arm to one side (your choice) of the mousetrap`s rectangular, metal piece (the snapping piece).
Step 8: Test it out!

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